

Dan & Laura Wingard

Mark was a rock and a great friend. Many monthly meetings with a small group of guys sharing our hearts and opening up. He was a gift, an example and showed strength when we were having challenges. Many great memories, laughs and stories that will always be with us. Love you Mark!
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Jesse Cherian

The Cherians literally met the Grindstaffs on the youth soccer field with the boys. I was running the boys soccer tryouts at Glenn Nelson Park and Mark stopped by the field with Justin for tryouts. Mark and I connected naturally with a mutual love for family, sports, music, and the Lord. Sandy and Kim connected well with a fierce mutual love for faith and family. It seems like there were a few years when we were all tossed together into a common whirlwind of practices, games, and tournaments….a perpetual treadmill all year long. Jon and Justin were often like brothers, hanging out at each of our houses throughout the years. We would roll our eyes as they would watch “The Wedding Singer” for only the 8th time that summer. We are grateful for the season of hospitality Mark and Sandy extended to our family when we found ourselves in a career transition. It was great to have friends that stood by us with prayer and faith for our next adventure in God.
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Ron Volland

Our trips with the Grindstaff family to Snowbird and Utah were always packed with action and adventures. Barbara and I looked forward to those trips when we could share some cool experiences with our good friends. I can remember Mark and I looking up at that snow covered mountain and watching skiers crisscrossing their way down the terrain. After a morning of skiing with our families, the two of us would go to the top floor of the resort where the Spa resided for some guy time. Specifically a room in which you could get a drink and relax in plush lounge chairs, surrounded by all the trappings of a beautiful Spa with magnificent views. Mark and I dubbed it the “Secret Place” and by virtue of the mountain slope angle and proximity to the resort building, you could almost deviously imagine reaching out and grabbing a ski from underneath one of those aspiring Jean-Claude Killy wannabe types. Obviously if we could have, the resulting consequences would have been ugly and probably not the best thoughts to ponder, but it sure made for some interesting conversation between the two of us. That was 20 years ago. The “Secret Place” and the folklore that followed it by both families was born of the desire by a couple husbands and dads who wanted to have conversation in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. This is where I begin to know and understand Mark Grindstaff. Our spirited conversations ran the gambit. While we didn’t always agree, but I never found Mark to be disagreeable, quite the contrary. Our conversations were varied and inter dispersed with opinions, that at times, could be characterized as raw, emotional, and controversial... yet I never knew Mark to sugar coat his feelings. You pretty much knew where he stood on issues which was so refreshing. This is one of the things I loved about Mark. I can say with admiration that Mark and I developed a friendship that transcended more into a brotherhood. I know I’m not alone as Mark developed similar relationships with other men through his caring and compassionate outreach. In today’s jargon, Mark was an Influencer. He lended himself to others by listening, offering assistance, and having conversation. All the qualities of someone you’d want in your life. He was a faithful friend. These are memories I will always have of my dear friend. Yet for all these great qualities, the greatest tribute to Mark, for me, were the the conversations we had where he shared his love of the Lord and his love for his family. Oh, how he loved his family. Mark Grindstaff, I’m so blessed and glad God crossed our paths. See you again soon my brother.
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Emmie Wheat

Gosh! 39 years of wonderful memories with Mark being a part of our family,The many visits to Charlotte,NC,Naplierville,Il,Seattle,Many times,to Stockton,Ca just a year ago,And the many visits he and Sandy made to visit me in Panama City, Fl and brought the wonderful Stewart family into our family,those memories are priceless..Mark and I shared a commonality one of long deep conversations,each and every time we grabbed a glass of wine and talked while Sandy bounced around getting dressed to go,wherever our plans took us each day...Marks goal in life was to provide for his family to make sure they were taken care of,therefore the many long hours he worked,he was truly that man that nothing came before family,and his employees in every company became family in the same sense he took care of them... some of our last conversations were his concerns about his employees...but above all the pride he had when he spoke of Christian,Justin and the grand babies,a great legacy he left a wonderful family and a work ethic not many process,I loved you Mark as one of my own,I will see you again.. Aunt Emmie
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Tim Grindstaff

Mark has always been my friend. From my earliest memories, he and I were as thick as thieves. Our older brother Joe used to beat us up on a regular basis. However Mark and I worked up a plan. When Joe attacked one of us, the other would start hitting him, and vice versa. Now, to the weapons of choice. I picked a hard healed shoe and Mark decided on a BBQ fork. That’s a weapon!! Well the day approached and Joe started in on Mark. With all the stealth I could muster, I came up behind Joe, and Whack. I smacked him a good one. As we suspected, big bro came after me. Mark snuck up behind and he hit Joe with the business end of that 25 inch fork. The scream could be heard for miles. Why tell this story? Because Mark and I watched each other’s backs for 61 years. My best “brother” memories are with him. He was my rock & roll buddy!! I love you, Mark. We’ll be together again. But not yet. I’ll play some Elf and remember the day you turned me on to them. Peace Bro. You’re well now and I cant wait to see this Mark. And again, I love you Buddy!!!!
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Erin Crook

Dude, you made me laugh. ALOT!!!! it's really what mattered. Thanks bro
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Sandy Grindstaff

A year after Mark moved to Panama City Florida on a January night in 1978, he walked into the mall. As he looked into the first store on the right, (A Radio Shack), he saw me at the back of the store stocking a shelf. No one else was in the store at the time. I looked up and watched Mark walking down the aisle toward me. Eyes locked little smiles exchanged, a lot of chemistry floating in the air, he came up to me and said “I noticed you and thought I would come in and find out your name”. I told him and he then introduced himself. It was a quick few minutes encounter. No phone numbers or any other information was exchanged at that time. Fast forward six months and on a Friday night in June, I was with a few girlfriends ready to dance the night away under the big disco ball at the Spinnaker on the beach. It happened to be nickel beer night. As I went up to purchase a $1.00 worth of beers to distribute amongst my friends, Mark came up beside me smiled that sexy little smile he had, and simply said “ Sandy”. I smiled back and we proceeded to talk for a few minutes. At the time I had a boyfriend that had recently broken up with me and he wanted to get back together. He was also at the Spinnaker with friends. I let Mark know about the current situation that the ex wanted to get back with me. Mark then proceeded to talk with my ex boyfriend while I was out on the dance floor dancing with my girlfriends. When I came off of the dance floor Mark approached me and let me know he had bought my ex a $1.00 worth of beers. The intention of keeping my ex occupied with beer and hanging with his buddies worked. Mark danced with me and my girlfriends for many hours that night. We talked in between dancing. Mark took me out on the back deck and kissed me for the first time. A few months after that Mark told me the real reason he came into the Radio Shack that night. He said “you had your back to me when I looked in and I noticed your butt in your khaki pants you were wearing..... and well I’m a butt man” Ten months later on April 22 1979 we became husband and wife. And our together story began. Through 39 years of marriage we endured hard times, good times, ups and downs of navigating through married life. However there were many more good times and good years together. That is my focus as I move forward in the next chapter in my life. Remember Mark as a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle & friend. Until we meet again. I Love you.
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Johnnie Kate Stewart

Dear Ladybug, I really don’t know what to say or think but I want to thank you for the endless laughter you bought while teasing me constantly, thank you for sticking by my dads side as one of his best friends even through the hardest times, and thank you for most importantly loving the Stewart family as if we were your own. I still laugh thinking about that trip to Panama City, surprising you and Sandy on the beach after my dad told you we couldn’t make it will always and forever be my favorite memory. I always looked at you like a really big kid because you would always pull Grayson (my older sister) and I aside, no matter who we were with, and you would tease us till our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. While we were on that trip you decided to give Grayson and I nicknames since we were making fun of you for being “old”, I was chigger, Grayson was dungbeattle, and you were ladybug! From there on out that is what we knew each other by. You and Sandy made the biggest, positive impact on my parents life and our family while we were going through some rough times and for that I will always love you both. Keep being a big kid, Ladybug and I will see you again. Love you & miss you.
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John Stewart

The Grindstaff's and Stewart's met back in 2004 through our good friends the Kallanders. We hit it off but really became close after a couples trip to Cabo. Mark and I found out we were kindred spirits and our friendship became very strong over the years. When Mark and Sandy moved to Chicago we felt like some of our best friends were leaving us. We got to see them a couple times in Naperville and we texted and talked often. Shortly after we moved to Texas but kept in regular contact. One of my favorite memories with Mark was on Father's Day years back when Mark called me to see if we could meet him and Sandy in Panama City on a last minute trip they booked. I told Mark there was no way we could do it but I secretly rallied the Stewart family, threw them in the RV and we headed out to surprise our friends. I called Mark the day of our arrival telling him how sad I was we could not come. I asked what he was up to and he told me he and Sandy were hanging out at the beach in front of Spinnakers Bar all day. We quickly parked and spotted them on the beach. We snuck up behind them and I called Mark back. I said "Hey buddy, look behind you!". The quiet beach erupted in screaming, hugging and laughter. We had such an amazing trip with them hanging on the beach, canoeing the econfina, renting a pontoon, hanging on Shell Island and becoming family with Sandy's Aunt Emmie. During a hard time in mine and Jill's marriage Mark and Sandy took us under their wing. They visited with us nightly and shared their experience, strength and hope with us. Part of Mark's legacy is keeping our family together. Their wise council saved our marriage. Mark is my brother. I miss him so much. I am so sorry I didn't see what was happening. I know Mark's heart and I know God welcomed his hurting son with open arms and words of consolation. I love you Mark. Until we meet again.
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